Thursday, May 24, 2012

Possession, is in a way, the beginning of losing it.


So now i have my cyberspace *clapsclaps*
not completely mine since its free, but whatever :)

I'll be blogging once again ^^

and its my birthday today! I'm already TWENTEEN (20teen) lololol
I still don't want to be an adult, but ohwell!

I've changed a lot, since college. I don't know, i think it's just an entirely different environment that developed my thoughts thoroughly. I've known my weaknesses, and yet to know my strengths! It's a mix of good and bad, but so far it has been great! I tend to think that i am mature, but ofcourse i still get the glitz of acting childish. So,    this crucial step of "becoming of age" or whatnot, i'll start with GRATITUDE. 

I'm thankful i'm still alive and healthy, i have awesome family, and awesome sets of friends!
I'm single but i still receive lots of LOVE. \(^_^)/ 
(i hope that motherfucker gets choked or what HAHA)

고마워요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오늘 내 생일이에요! 너무 고맙다 난 아직 사라요!


This is actually during my sister's birthday just a few days ago, our birthdays are 4 days apart. 
Yes, it is actually a BUMMER!

Anyway, we went to shakeys for a simple dinner out ^^ 

my sister is in the farmost left, and me doing the V sign lololol
we are together with my brothers' girlfriends ^^ they're already a part of our family!

not the most awesomesauce spaghetti out there but i like it that it's simple, and not too overwhelming to eat with the pizza!

This is my to go compact! It has a blush, highlighter, bronzer which can be used as eyeshadow! A mirror, and 4 lip colors! awesome or what! ^^

I love their garlic bread and chicken ^^ 

I feel full alreadyyyy

내 엄마!!! 
she's like the one who's celebrating her birthday cause she was wearing RED lolololol

Me teasing my mum that her digicam is fake. I look so mad here like @#!%#@ and my dad's troll face or what

Since it was her birthday i edited her to make the picture chio! i put bokeh around haha

so after we had dinner, we went back home and played with our baby 강아지.
they're just not DOGS. they're well loved by us ^^

This is our new pup 소주 (soju). Named after the korean liquor. So cute lah. He is a yorkshire terrier!

More pics of Soju ^^


This is his new petcage from pet crates, it even has a door ^^ since he's still a curious pup, can't let him run around the house just yet.

This is MARTINI, the real princess of the house! *liquor reference* lol
She's SUPER jealous of the new pup T^T she will ignore you if you give attention to SOJU and not HER.
She'll get GRUMPY and all. Y U SO JEALOUS!

they're like KIDS. can't handle the attention/jealousy lololol

Soju inside the cage ^^

it's my birthday lah! :) 

I think this is the best picture of the bunch. HAHA

I don't know how to smile so....

i do the duckface! lmao

and tilt my head back and forth.

or look somewhere else.... 

like my eyes here! ^^ halo effect :)

and 메롱!!!

another :p

just to let you see, how sucky my smile is (plus bunny crooked teeth!!!)
my chubby cheeks come!!! 

i love my headbands! the bunny ones, and in the above pic ^^ can't wait to buy more of those!

to end my post, i give you.. BABY PICTURE! I think i'm 1 yr old and 3 months here judging by the date. 
i laugh my ass while looking at my brother's troll face. 0<>0 HAHAHA 

end of the first post ^^ YAY!
여러분 잘자! >(ㅅㅇㅅ)<